We return to the wonderful gospel of Matthew, chapter 23. In this passage, Jesus teaches the crowds and His disciples of the hypocrisy of scribes and Pharisees who believe themselves…
Jesus gives the Pharisees a final challenge in Matthew 22 concerning the Messiah. His aim is to show them their lack of understanding that the Christ was to be greater…
After astonishing the crowds with His response to the Sadducees, the Pharisees gather to quiz Jesus on what the greatest commandment is. If anyone in modern times had doubts as…
In Matthew 22, Jesus confronts the theological error of the Sadducees, who denied the resurrection of the dead. Crowds had formed around the group to hear a riddle posed to…
What are the boundaries of our service in this life? When do we serve the interests of the government and when do we serve the interests of God? Further, when…
Jesus once again teaches a parable that highlights the rebellion of the religious leaders, and also reveals to us that while many will hear the call to the gospel message,…
As we finish chapter 21 of Matthew's Gospel, we look at another parable Jesus taught to the chief priests and Pharisees concerning a vineyard. This time the landowner faces great…
The confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders continues with a parable of two sons. In the story, their claims to their father differ from their final response. It is…
In this passage, we observe the chief priests and elders as they attempt to question the authority of Jesus. In this brief encounter we will see how Jesus dismantles their…
Returning to Jerusalem, Jesus curses a fruitless fig tree and the disciples marvel. In this event He teaches them about the faith they are called to and the fruitfulness that…