Why We Believe In The Resurrection

September 22, 2024

Why We Believe In The Resurrection

Passage: 1 Corinthians 15:12-23
Service Type:

A text of Scripture so critical to the Christian faith should not be reserved for Resurrection Sunday alone, but should be read and expounded whenever the saints might need encouragement about what awaits those whose salvation is in our Lord Jesus Christ. How many issues are troubling today and how many news items are distressing? Yet there is a Saviour who has overcome the curse of the Law and has granted everlasting life and a resurrection hope to those who repent of sin and put their faith in Him. Be encouraged in spite of woes and be reminded there is yet work to do for Christ’s church, which He has purchased and promised to sustain until the end.

Pastor Mike begins by addressing Dr. Steve Lawson’s removal from ministry. The message then begins at 19 minutes, 50 seconds.