Event Series Prayer & Fellowship Night

Wednesday Prayer & Fellowship

Redeemer Bible Church 1929 Interprovincial Hwy, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Pastor Mike is launching a new weekly prayer and fellowship time for our fall and winter season at church during Adventure Club. This will be a vibrant time of pursuing the Lord together and seeking to come together corporately to worship, pray for wisdom in dark times, sing, and enjoy discussion with the saints. All […]

Event Series Adventure Club

Adventure Club

Redeemer Bible Church 1929 Interprovincial Hwy, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Adventure Club is an exciting children’s ministry program that is focused on Bible memorization and teaching children the truth of God’s Word in a fun and meaningful way. The program is designed to teach systematic theology in a transformative way to three groups: Trackers, Scouts, & Trailblazers. There is singing, Bible teaching, Scripture memorization, and games. […]

Event Series Moms & Tots

Moms & Tots

Redeemer Bible Church 1929 Interprovincial Hwy, Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Moms and Tots is a weekly gathering of mothers with babies and toddlers (ages 0-5). It is a time of active play for the little ones and “grown up” conversation for the adults.