About Us

Prairie Chapel exists to proclaim the Gospel to a lost and dying world, and to live as a fellowship in a way that testifies of the work of God in and through His church, within the city of Abbotsford and the surrounding areas. Join us for Sunday worship or for one of our special events. The details here will help you to know what to expect. 

Visit Us

The best way to get to know us is to come for a visit on a Sunday morning. We have two worship services each Sunday—the first at 8:45 am and the second at 11:00 am. Fellowship is between services at 10:15 am.

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Statement of Faith

The short version of our Statement of Faith: “We believe the entire Bible as God’s inerrant, infallible, and sufficient Word.” We’ve made our core teaching available on our distinctives page, linked to below.

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Join a Care Group

We were called “to the praise of the glory of His grace” (Eph 1:6). Care groups are a great way to get to know people, grow in God’s Word and live out that calling together.

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Our ministries are Bible-driven rather than fad-driven. We believe that what the church needs today, more than ever, are services and events that glorify God through the study and proclamation of His Word. When Scripture is held high, God is highly esteemed and His people are full of joy and praise toward Him.

Sunday Morning Worship and Sunday School

Sundays are filled with times of worship, fellowship, teaching and training. As the anchoring point of the week at Prairie Chapel, it’s a delight to join together to praise God and learn from Scripture.

Children's Ministry

Children’s ministry at Prairie Chapel is intended to support parents in their role to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4).

Adult Sunday School

Our adult Sunday School classes are geared toward discipleship.

Care Groups

During the week, care groups provide a way for further growth in grace and truth. Study of Scripture and of theology, along with warm fellowship connect believers and introduce those who don’t yet know Christ to the Gospel.

Men's Ministry

In the 21st century men are confronted with innumerable distractions and temptations to draw them away from the God of the Bible. 

Women's Ministry

The women of Prairie Chapel are committed to following Christ and serving one another in a way that pleases God and blesses the church family. 

Our History and God's Faithfulness

Founded in 1951, Prairie Chapel began as a Sunday School mission to the Sumas Prairie but over the years has grown into a church serving all ages and communities in Abbotsford and the Fraser Valley. 

Though the church is more than six decades old, we are privileged to have founding members who continue to worship with us.


Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful…

Heb 10:23