The Manger and the Cross: Part 2
Bible Text: Philippians 2:5-8 | Speaker: Mike Chalmers | Series: The Manger and the Cross | What can we offer to the One who offered His life as a substitute for ours? What can we give to the Babe born in Bethlehem of Judea that He has not already given to us?
When we understand that the grace of God in the Gospel did not begin with the cross, but even included the birth of Jesus, we realize that from eternity past our redemption was planned and it stretched from creation to the cross, and beyond the cross to the resurrection and ascension.
If you have felt like you don’t know how to receive the gift of God through Christ by faith alone, understanding His humility in offering Himself is the key we need to see the way.
Christmas, Christology, Kenosis