Our Christmas Eve morning service featured a message from Matthew 1:21, which presents Jesus as Saviour. Join us as we rejoice together over the newborn King who saves His people…
In Part 1 of What Child Is This? we looked at Immanuel, God with us, from Isaiah 7:14. In Part 2 we will look at the Child born Messiah and King, according…
Jesus gives the Pharisees a final challenge in Matthew 22 concerning the Messiah. His aim is to show them their lack of understanding that the Christ was to be greater…
Join us this week as we focus our attention on the Triumphal Entry of Jesus to Jerusalem. Though the cross awaits Him, the crowds will cry out “Hosanna!” as He…
Our current world crisis has exposed the sinfulness of the human heart on a grand scale. Is it even possible to change course? Is there a way for those who…