In a time when many have disregarded the value of the Old Testament, we will soon start a series from that inspired volume of Holy Scripture. Next week we begin…
We are soon to begin our study of the book of Daniel which will be a verse by verse exposition from start to finish. But why do we preach expositionally?…
The scene is the betrayal of Jesus and the one who betrays Him does so as if His closest friend, with a brotherly kiss and greeting—all to notify the religious…
This is the first message of our brief series in the Psalms. The evangelical world is filled with stories in recent years about leaders in the church who "deconstruct" their…
Part 5: The Bible vs. the Climate Cult continues the series, Keeping the Climate Cult Out of the Church. 2 Timothy 3; Psalm 119. In this message we'll see how…
The birth of Christ was more than one event in the timeline of redemption. The Son of God incarnate represented the fulness of all Gospel promises. We will see how…