Life With A Cross

June 5, 2022

Life With A Cross

Passage: Matthew 16:24–28
Service Type:

Jesus teaches His disciples that no one can follow Him without sacrifice. No one will belong to Him but continue to live for self. No one will continue to seek fame and glory and be called a disciple. The winding road of the Christian life is one of self-denial—making much of our Lord and little of ourselves. The implications of this for the believer are profound.
This message covers the call of Jesus to deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow after our Lord. It was more than an analogy of being willing to suffer, since Jesus Himself picked up a real cross and died for our sins. His message to us is that discipleship is serious business. It is a call, not to pursue your will but the Father’s, and it is a call, not to have a leisurely life but to be willing if required, even to die for the cause of Christ.