In a time when many have disregarded the value of the Old Testament, we will soon start a series from that inspired volume of Holy Scripture. Next week we begin…
A text of Scripture so critical to the Christian faith should not be reserved for Resurrection Sunday alone, but should be read and expounded whenever the saints might need encouragement…
Just as God demonstrated faithfulness to His people Israel in the Old Testament, so too He has promised faithfulness to the church in the New Testament. His faithfulness is possible…
This week's text, back in the first letter to the Thessalonians, offers a simple and wise approach to our life ethic and the testimony of spiritual living. Our love for…
This week is the biblical feast of Passover (April 22-29) and provides a perfect opportunity to look at how this great holiday emerged out of the darkness of Egypt under…
After the injustice of the trial against Jesus before the religious leaders, Jesus is brought before Pilate, where he famously asks our Lord, "Are You the king of the Jews?"…
In this final look at Judas Iscariot we find a man troubled literally to death with his sins, and yet remained unrepentant. How unreasonable is the betrayal of Christ and…
When Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave us an example—A pattern for prayer that we have have come to know as "The Lord's Prayer". In…
After failing to pray three times while Jesus went before His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter followed at a safe distance as Jesus was arrested and brought to…