In the Bible there are multiple places where the Antichrist is described. Matthew 24 draws on the book of Daniel to show that he will set up the abomination of…
We continue our focus on the church of our Lord Jesus Christ, as Mike preaches a message from Revelation 1:4-8. In this greeting "to the seven churches..." John addresses real…
What is the Church? In this message, we look at the church for which Christ died—the universal church. We will see why Scripture calls it, "the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth" (1…
Part 5: The Bible vs. the Climate Cult continues the series, Keeping the Climate Cult Out of the Church. 2 Timothy 3; Psalm 119. In this message we'll see how…
We continue in the second chapter in the letter to the Thessalonians, which launched Paul's defense of his ministry as a church planter and authentic apostle. Having proved his pure…
What motivates a servant of the gospel? Pastor Aaron returns to 1 Thessalonians where we will examine Paul's heart and defense of his delivery of the gospel message to the…
Part 4: The Judge vs. the Climate Cult continues the series, Keeping the Climate Cult Out of the Church. 1 Peter 4:12–19. The aim of this series has been to…
Part 3: The Redeemer vs. the Climate Cult continues the series, Keeping the Climate Cult Out of the Church. 1 Timothy 1:12–17. We look at the false gospel of environmental…
Part 2: The Sustainer vs. the Climate Cult continues the series, Keeping the Climate Cult Out of the Church. Hebrews 1:1-3; Genesis 8:20-22. In this message, we counter the claim…
We return to the book of 1 Thessalonians and its inception with a vibrant, responsive group of believers that formed the church. Paul's commendation to the Thessalonians recollects their start…