In a time when many have disregarded the value of the Old Testament, we will soon start a series from that inspired volume of Holy Scripture. Next week we begin…
In Part 1 of What Child Is This? we looked at Immanuel, God with us, from Isaiah 7:14. In Part 2 we will look at the Child born Messiah and King, according…
We've been studying Matthew 24's prophetic teaching on the future return of Christ and what precedes it. This week we will look at the time of the return and its…
With the horrific October 7th attacks on Israel drawing the nation into war, how are we to respond? This message is in a Q&A format to ensure we cover the…
Beginning with Jesus' final words to Jerusalem in Matthew 23:37-39 we learn of the culmination of the end of days for the people of Israel. In the next passage, Matthew…
As we finish chapter 21 of Matthew's Gospel, we look at another parable Jesus taught to the chief priests and Pharisees concerning a vineyard. This time the landowner faces great…
For this Good Friday, we commemorate the death of our Lord Jesus Christ as an atonement for sin, in anticipation of Sunday when we celebrate His resurrection.