A text of Scripture so critical to the Christian faith should not be reserved for Resurrection Sunday alone, but should be read and expounded whenever the saints might need encouragement…
In a world devoted to the destruction of children and the family, Scripture in many places and many ways teaches us how to lead every generation into a true and…
The glory of God is seen in all aspects of His rule and reign—over the universe, over circumstances, over kings and nations, over who we were created to be, and…
The Great Commission is the purpose for which the church labours and yet it is so poorly understood today that many don't know what it entails. In this message, Mike…
The scene is the betrayal of Jesus and the one who betrays Him does so as if His closest friend, with a brotherly kiss and greeting—all to notify the religious…
Judas Iscariot provides one of the clearest pictures of "the way of the wicked" in all of Scripture. A case study in apostasy, this first message in a four part…
At the end of Matthew 25 Jesus teaches about the coming judgment at His return in glory. This is what we often refer to as the sheep and goats judgment,…
With the horrific October 7th attacks on Israel drawing the nation into war, how are we to respond? This message is in a Q&A format to ensure we cover the…