Valuing Your Trials

June 2, 2024

Valuing Your Trials

Passage: James 1:2-4
Service Type:

In a world of growing spiritual darkness, we must constantly calibrate and recalibrate our perspective about trials. We must reassess how much we value trials because they are heaven’s chariots, carrying us to glory. In the words of Octavius Winslow, “That which promotes our holiness promotes our heavenliness, and growing heavenliness advances us nearer to heaven.” Our study in James 1:2-4 is perfectly inspired to recalibrate your view of trials. By the grace of God, you will value trials as God’s divine instruments for His glory and your eternal good.

Seymour Helligar graduated from The Master’s Seminary and is the Pastor/Teacher at Grace Community Church of Long Beach in California (

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