In this final look at Judas Iscariot we find a man troubled literally to death with his sins, and yet remained unrepentant. How unreasonable is the betrayal of Christ and…
When Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave us an example—A pattern for prayer that we have have come to know as "The Lord's Prayer". In…
The scene is the betrayal of Jesus and the one who betrays Him does so as if His closest friend, with a brotherly kiss and greeting—all to notify the religious…
The new covenant was promised in ancient times as a way to bring in righteousness and cleanse God's people of sin. In the midst of a plot of betrayal, Jesus…
Every so often something transpires in world events requiring a response from the church. The ramping up of climate hysteria in spite of the most pressing issue of mankind—sin and…
Part 4: The Judge vs. the Climate Cult continues the series, Keeping the Climate Cult Out of the Church. 1 Peter 4:12–19. The aim of this series has been to…
After astonishing the crowds with His response to the Sadducees, the Pharisees gather to quiz Jesus on what the greatest commandment is. If anyone in modern times had doubts as…
Continuing in the theme of humility, Jesus again reminds His disciples of the self-sacrifice required of Christ’s servants. Jesus foretells of the cross and amazingly says, “the Son of Man…