Lead Us Not Into Tempation

March 10, 2024

Lead Us Not Into Tempation

Passage: Matthew 6:5–15; James 1:13–15
Service Type:

When Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave us an example—A pattern for prayer that we have have come to know as “The Lord’s Prayer”.  In this message we will look at what Jesus meant and how we can pray as He taught, “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”  Jesus was tempted by Satan and set an example for us to follow as to how to resist temptation.  But it was more than that—Much more.  He resisted temptation for us, on our behalf.  His obedience and His righteousness become our obedience and righteousness by faith.  He passed the temptation test because we fail the test.  I am enticed, I am tempted, I am deceived and I give in and disobey.  I love the things in this world more than I love God.  But His righteousness becomes my righteousness by faith.