In a world devoted to the destruction of children and the family, Scripture in many places and many ways teaches us how to lead every generation into a true and…
When Jesus disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, He gave us an example—A pattern for prayer that we have have come to know as "The Lord's Prayer". In…
The new covenant was promised in ancient times as a way to bring in righteousness and cleanse God's people of sin. In the midst of a plot of betrayal, Jesus…
This message from Daniel 1 identifies the evil strategy of Babylon’s government (vv. 1–7), the righteous conduct of believers during times of testing (vv. 8–14), and the kind providence of…
The confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders continues with a parable of two sons. In the story, their claims to their father differ from their final response. It is…
Much of what was presented to Christians over the past two years was NOT a call to sacrificially proclaim the Gospel publicly, but rather a call to sacrifice every biblical…
The Pharisees and Sadducees were not satisfied with the overwhelming evidence that Jesus was the Messiah and so they sought from Him a sign that they could deny was a…