The Sovereignty of God (Part 1): Creation

May 20, 2024

The Sovereignty of God (Part 1): Creation

Passage: Psalm 19
Service Type:

As a lead-in to our latest series we looked at the Undivided Church in two parts. This was to prepare us as we look at our next few doctrinal studies addressing issues important to Prairie Chapel. In the first series we will look at the challenging doctrine of the sovereignty of God. But rather than begin with the sovereignty of God in salvation, where most disagreement occurs, we will look at important foundational elements of God's rule and reign which clarify the biblical perspective. We'll be looking at a series of exciting texts of Scripture to address God's power over:

1. Creation

2. Evil and Suffering

3. Rulers of the Nations

4. Identity, Individuality, and Gender

5. Salvation

6. Time

7. The Nation of Israel

8. The Church

9. The Future