Just as God demonstrated faithfulness to His people Israel in the Old Testament, so too He has promised faithfulness to the church in the New Testament. His faithfulness is possible…
The choice of Israel, from a purely human vantage point, would seem arbitrary or even misguided. Why would anyone choose Israel to be a special people with a special purpose?…
In Part 6 of The Sovereignty of God series, we look at the fascinating and wonderful reality of God's sovereignty over time. In the ninetieth Psalm we have the words…
The glory of God is seen in all aspects of His rule and reign—over the universe, over circumstances, over kings and nations, over who we were created to be, and…
Part 4 of our Sovereignty of God series is on Identity. We will look at the uniqueness of God's good design for mankind and why it is totally different from…
Having looked at the sovereignty of God over creation, and over evil and suffering, we now look at the Lord's providence over the nations. We tend to believe history ebbs…
As we continue our study of the sovereignty of God we will look next at the problem of evil and suffering. Atheists have long charged that evil is a problem…