The Narrow Way

November 10, 2019

The Narrow Way

Passage: Matthew 7:13-14
Service Type:

Matthew 7:13-14 shows that the way of salvation is narrow. In a Gospel marked by power and truth, its light shines brightly against the backdrop of falsehood and deception. Jesus leads His disciples for all time through to an understanding of the exclusivity of the one true God of heaven and earth, as revealed by Himself.

This message details that the narrow way must be understood the way Jesus presented it:

  1. There are only two ways to live: the way of the righteous / the way of the wicked
  2. The way of the righteous is exclusive: found in Christ alone
  3. The way of the wicked is inclusive: found by all who have sinned and refused to repent and trust in Christ

Listen to see how Christ, who is our Salvation, pointed the way so that sinners might be rescued from destruction.